Sunday 11 September 2016

EVS animal with ears worksheet

Name :- ___________________                                                      Subject:-EVS

1.     Match the following animals name with their ears.


(b) Dog                                                                  
(c ) Horse                                         

(e) Mouse                                        

(f) Elephant                                     

2.     (a) Name two animals whose ears can be seen
(b) Name two animals which have ears which cannot be seen
(c) Name two animals which have hairs on their skin

(d) Name two animals which do not have hair on their skin

(e) Name two animals which have fur on their skin

(f) Name any two animals which give birth to young ones

(g) Name any two animals which lay eggs

3. Write True or False-
1. All animals have ears that can be seen                                [           ]
2. Lizards have tiny holes on their heads                                [           ]
3. Cows and buffaloes do not have hair on their body       [           ]
4. Animals with hair and ears that can be seen, lay eggs    [          ]

4.     Classify the animals according to types of ears present--internal or external
Fox, Elephant, Sparrow, Pigeon, Peacock, Cat, Duck, Lizard, Cow, Mouse, Camel, Pig, Frog, Buffalo, Hen
 Internal ear animals-

external ear animals-

5.  Answer the following questions-
(a) Why do animals need ears?

(b) How do birds hear?

( c) Why do animals have different patterns on their body?


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